Traitement de données LIDAR acquises en sous bois, extraction par méthodes tomographiques de données individuelles d'arbre, localisation, diamètre, volumétrie.
Hereinafter a list of avalable plugins in PDAL (1.8rc Latest commit d77cf59 18 hours ago, 6/11/2018) , they can be activated or not before compilation/ Linking (In Cmake), for us only bolded plugin are activated, in a first time :
Delaunay plugin, perform Delaunay triangulation of point cloud
GeoWave plugin, Read and Write data using GeoWave. GeoWave is an open-source library for storage, index, and search of multi-dimensional data on top of sorted key-value datastores and popular big data frameworks. GeoWave includes specific tailored implementations that have advanced support for OGC spatial types (up to 3 dimensions), and both bounded and unbounded temporal values. Both single and ranged values are supported on all axes. GeoWave’s geospatial support is built on top of the GeoTools project extensibility model. This means that it can integrate natively with any GeoTools-compatible project, such as GeoServer and UDig, and can ingest GeoTools compatible data sources.
I3S plugin, Read from a I3S server or from a SLPK file, for more detail have a look HERE
Greyhound plugin, read points from a Greyhound server, have a look => HERE Greyhound is an HTTP server that provides dynamic level-of-detail point cloud streaming..
Icebridge plugin, read data in the Icebridge format => HERE, and there => HERE
Matlab plugin, write data to a .mat file
MrSID plugin, read data in the MrSID format, have a look => HERE
NITF plugin, read/write LAS data wrapped in NITF => HERE => THERE
OpenSceneGraph plugin, read/write OpenSceneGraph objects, => ICI. The OpenSceneGraph is an open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit, used by application developers in fields such as visual simulation, games, virtual reality, scientific visualization and modelling. Written entirely in Standard C++ and OpenGL it runs on all Windows platforms, OSX, GNU/Linux, IRIX, Solaris, HP-Ux, AIX and FreeBSD operating systems. The OpenSceneGraph is now well established as the world leading scene graph technology, used widely in the vis-sim, space, scientific, oil-gas, games and virtual reality industries.
PCL plugin, provides PCL-based readers, writers, filters, and kernels, brillant library for point cloud processing,
RiVLib plugin, read data in the RXP format,, RiVLib is the well documented platform independent software library for ... RIEGL V-Line scanners stream measurement data utilizing the versatile RXP format.
rdblib plugin, read data in the RDB format, for RDB database
Python plugin, add features that depend on python, API Python
MBIO plugin, add features that depend on MBIO, The mbio reader allows sonar bathymetry data to be read into PDAL and treated as data collected using LIDAR sources. PDAL uses the MB-System library to read the data and therefore supports all formats supported by that library. Some common sonar systems are NOT supported by MB-System, notably Kongsberg, Reson and Norbit. The mbio reader reads each “beam” of data after averaging and processing by the MB-System software and stores the values for the dimensions ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’ and ‘Amplitude’. X and Y use longitude and latitude for units and the Z values are in meters (negative, being below the surface). Units for ‘Amplitude’ is not specified and may vary.
FBX plugin, add features that depend on FBX, AutoDesk FBX® data exchange technology is a 3D asset exchange format that facilitates higher-fidelity data exchange between 3ds Max, Maya, MotionBuilder, Mudbox and other propriety and third-party software. ... Maximize creative potential and optimize productivity with simple interoperability
In a second time the following plugins will be of great interest :
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