Clics : 1240
Site WEB traitant de système d'information géographique et de géographie
Clics : 9223
Données géographiques libres de droit
Clics : 769
OpenTopography facilitates community access to high-resolution, Earth science-oriented, topography data, and related tools and resources.
The mission of the OpenTopography Facility is to:
- Democratize online access to high-resolution (meter to sub-meter scale), Earth science-oriented, topography data acquired with lidar and other technologies.
- Harness cutting edge cyberinfrastructure to provide Web service-based data access, processing, and analysis capabilities that are scalable, extensible, and innovative.
- Promote discovery of data and software tools through community populated metadata catalogs.
- Partner with public domain data holders to leverage OpenTopography infrastructure for data discovery, hosting and processing.
- Provide professional training and expert guidance in data management, processing, and analysis.
- Foster interaction and knowledge exchange in the Earth science lidar user community.
Clics : 783
Accès aux données géographiques
Clics : 386
Sources diverses de données pour SIG
Clics : 2489
Recherche de données côtières en base de données
Clics : 909
LiDAR-Online.com is a web platform to market LiDAR, GIS data under login control and security systems. It is based in Dielmo Server Technology to provide services for displaying, using and downloading Geospatial data (Point clouds, Raster, Files) on the Internet in an intuitive user interface.
Owners of LiDAR or GIS data can publish their datasets in LiDAR Online to do a private use with security in the access to the data and statistics of use or to obtain benefits of the use by other users. It is the cheaper and faster way to find new clients and to capitalize archive data.
The purpose of Lidar online is to make LiDAR data accessible to the entire geospatial community, eliminating traditional barriers as knowledge, software requirements or access to the data by making LiDAR data understandable and accessible online.
Clics : 536
Base de données USA de modèles d'élévation de terrain
Clics : 738
Partage projet Nicolas Brodu auteur CANUPO
Clics : 743
The use of 3D laser scanning is growing enormously, and the amount of data is growing accordingly. It is becoming increasingly difficult to acquire the in-house technical capability to store, manage and analyse this massive volume of data.
Clics : 12689
Portail innovation Europe, pré-positionnement
Clics : 769
Bien sûr il existe aussi les autres guichets auprès des régions ou les programmes nationaux ANR ou FUI ou encore RAPID.
Franck Lepecq
Délégué aux projets de R&T
Maintenance, Drones, Télécoms & Cybersécurité
CS 94244
GPS : « 147 avenue de Rangueuil » Parking IRT
+33 (0)5 61 14 80 36 / + 33 (0)6 87 68 06 64
+33 (0)5 62 26 46 25
Clics : 1534
FOCUS IOS Create simplifies the development of custom machine learning models. You don't have to be a machine learning expert to add recommendations, object detection, image classification, image similarity or activity classification to your app.
- Easy-to-use: Focus on tasks instead of algorithms
- Visual: Built-in, streaming visualizations to explore your data
- Flexible: Supports text, images, audio, video and sensor data
- Fast and Scalable: Work with large datasets on a single machine
- Ready To Deploy: Export models to Core ML for use in iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps
Clics : 880
Santé, éducation, environnement... l'intelligence artificielle (IA) est partout, par l'homme et pour l'homme. C'est la raison pour laquelle les principes d'éthique sont si importants. Ainsi l'initiative Watson IA XPrize veut démontrer, par l'exemple, qu'une IA positive, au service de l'humanité est possible.
Clics : 922
Clics : 695
Afrément pour conduire des activités clientes, habilitées CIR
Clics : 788
Exemple type de doissier d'agrément
Clics : 710
Groupement du CNRS encourageant la diffusion des logiciels libres dans les sciences
Clics : 802
Ce sont des agitateurs cognitifs. Issus du monde académique, ils questionnent la société contemporaine à la lumière des recherches sur le cerveau et le comportement.
Clics : 788
Mais que fait le gouvernement ? Voyez ici!