TD 2 -Bézier curves

(Luca Castelli Aleardi)

The goal of this TD session is to implement planar (rational) Bézier curves.

        Examples of Bézier curves (non rational and rational case respectively)

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1. Getting started (a Processing frame for testing interpolation schemes)

Files to download today

Here are some files to download (and extract to the /src folder of your Eclipse project):
  • some classes for manipulating geometric objects (such as points, vectors and transformations in 2D).
  • abstract class defining main methods for computing the plot of the curve
  • main drawing class, allowing to handle mouse events (adding, moving and deleting points).

Java documentation

Here is the javaDoc concerning the packages and classes used today:

class drawCurve

Class DrawCurve provides simple methods for drawing (points and segments), and handling mouse events (for adding/moving/deleting points). Method setup() allows to select the preferred implementation of Bézier curves.
public void setup() {
size(400,400); // size of the window
// choose the scheme and curves to draw
this.scheme=new Bezier(this, this.points);

public void draw() {

if(points.isEmpty()) return; // no control points

2. Bézier curves

2.1 Implementing the de Casteljau algorithm

Given a set of n points, we want to implement the de Casteljau algorithm. You are asked to

  • write a class Bezier which extends class  Curve.
  • implement method Point_2 evaluate(double t) which computes the point b(t).
  • implement method plotCurve(double dt) which draw the curve in the frame, by evaluating the curve with a given step.

  1. implement method Point_2 recursiveDeCasteljau(int r, int i, double t) which computes the i-th Bézier point (at setp r), for value t, with the recursive definition.
  2. implement method Point_2 iterativeDeCasteljau(double t) which computes the Bézier curve with the iterative scheme (in linear space).

You can follow the code below:

public class Bezier extends Curve {

Transformation_2 transformation;

public Bezier(DrawCurve frame, LinkedList<Point_2> p) {
super(frame, p);

public Bezier(DrawCurve frame, LinkedList<Point_2> p, Transformation_2 transformation) {
super(frame, p);

public Bezier(DrawCurve frame, Point_2[] points, Transformation_2 transformation) {
super(frame, points);


public Bezier[] subdivide(double t) {
Point_2[] controlPolygon=this.points;
int n=this.points.length-1; // degree and number of edges of the control polygon

Point_2[] b0=new Point_2[n+1]; // first control polygon
Point_2[] b1=new Point_2[n+1]; // second control polygon
Bezier[] result=new Bezier[2]; // the pair of Bezier curves to return as result

//throw new Error("To be completed: TD3");

// store and return the pair of new control polygons
result[0]=new Bezier(this.frame, b0, this.transformation);
result[1]=new Bezier(this.frame, b1, this.transformation);
return result;


2.2 Compute Bézier curves with the efficient (nested) evaluation

  1. implement method Point_2 BernsteinBezier(double t) which computes the Bézier curve with nested evaluation of the Bernstein form of a Bézier curve.


What do you observe implementing and comparing these methods?

2.3 Render a Bézier curve with the subdivision method

  1. implement method public Bezier[] subdivide(double t) which subdivides the Bézier curve into a couple of Bézier curves, with parameter t. Modifiy the plot method of your class, in order to visualize the corresponding control polygons of the two curves (see the picture on the right).
  2. implement method public void subdivisionRendering(int n) which renders the Bézier curve (subdivide n times with parameter t=0.5). Remove comments from file in order to plot the curve with the subdivision method.

Example: cubic Bézier curve:
 (x0, y0) ... (x3, y3).

A Bézier curve subdivided with parameter t=0.5
The two sub-curves are drawn in red.

Example of subdivision rendering of a cubic Bézier curve

2.4 Check affine and projective invariance of Bézier curves

Now we want to chech the affine invariance of Bézier curves.

  • modify your class Bezier in order to plot the original curve and the curve after affine transformation.
  1. firstly, plot the apply the transformation to all points of b(t)
  2. apply the transformation only to the control points, and then compute the curve

 add a transformation variable Transformation_2 transformation  to your class  Bezier.

  • repeat your experience testing with projective transformations (bonus).


3. Rational Bézier curves

3.1 Implementing rational de Casteljau algorithm

Here you are given a set of n points bi and a set of n weights wi : weights are choosen at the beginning (as constants)

  • complete class RationalBezier which extends class  Curve.
  • implement method Point_2 evaluate(double t) which computes the point b(t).
  • implement method plotCurve(double dt) which draw the curve in the frame, by evaluating the curve with a given step.

  1. implement method Point_2 rationalDeCasteljau(int r, int i, double t) which computes the Bézier point, at value t, with the recursive definition.

3.2 Test projective invariance of rational Bézier curves

  • modify your class RationalBezier in order to plot the original curve and the curve after projective transformation.

Example: cubic rational Bézier curve:
the shape depends both on control points and weight points